
Popular Testing Tools index

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We have captured list of software testing tools in the following areas of testing:

  • Manual testing tools to manage and maintain the testing manual testing processes and testing artifacts.
  • UI test automation tools i.e. to automate functional,Integration, regression, system, sanity and User Acceptance testing of software applications.
  • Performance and security testing aspects of software and web applications.

In this article you will get to know the popular list of testing tools for various needs in the manual and automation testing activities.

30 Bug Tracking Tools for Defect Management process

S.No TooL License Type Comments/Description
1 BugZilla Open Source
2 JIRA Commercial
3 Mantis BT Open Source + Commercial Commercial to host on premise
4 TRAC Open Source
5 REDMINE Open Source Bug Tracking + Project Management + Customised Workflows
6 HP ALM Commercial Bug Tracking + Test Management
7 Zoho Bug Tracker Free
8 Oracle Test Manager Commercial Bug Tracking + Test Management
9 Fossil Open Source
10 Request Tracker Open Source
11 IBM Rational ClearQuest Commercial
12 The Bug Genie Free  + Commercial Bug Tracking + Project Management
13 eTraxis Open Source Bug / Issue Tracker + Customised Work flows
14 BugNet Free + Commercial Bug Tracking + Project Management
15 DevTrack Free + Commercial Bug Tracking + Project Management
16 Bug Host Free Trial + Commercial  Bug Tracking + Project Management
17 Bug a Boo GPL
18 FogBugz Commercial Bug Tracking + Project Management
19 PHP Bug Tracker Open Source
20 DoneDone Commercial Bug Tracking + Project Management
21 TestTrack Commercial Bug Tracking + Project Management
22 Bug Track Free Trial + Commercial Bug Tracking + Project Management
23 Gemini Free Trial + Commercial
24 BontQ Free Trial + Commercial Bug / Issue Tracking + Project Management
25 WebIssues Open Source Bug / Issue tracking + Team Collaboration
26 YouTrack Free Trial + Commercial
27 Unfuddle Free Trial +  Commercial
28 InformUp Free Trial + Commercial
29 Bug Aware Free Trial + Commercial
30 AxoSoft Free Trial + Commercial

29 Test Management Tools

S.No Tool License Type Description
 1 Oracle Test Manager Free Trial + Commercial
 2 HP ALM/Quality Center Commercial
 3 JIRA Commercial
 4 qTest Free Trial + Commercial
 5 PractiTest Free Trial + Commercial
 6 Zephyr Free Trial + Commercial
 7 Test Collab Free Trial + Commercial
 8 TestFLO for JIRA Free Trial + Commercial
9 IBM Rational Quality Manager Free Trial + Commercial
10 TestRail Free Trial + Commercial
 11 TestLodge Free Trial + Commercial
 12 Qmetry Free Trial + Commercial
 13 Testuff Free Trial + Commercial
 14 Gemini Free Trial + Commercial
 15 TestLink Open Source
 16 QAComplete Free Trial + Commercial
 17 Silk Central Free Trial  + Commercial
 18 Xqual Free + Commercial
 19 TestPad Free Trial + Commerical
 20 Aptest Free Trial + Commercial
 21 SpiraTest Free Trial + Commercial
 22 Meliora TestLab Free Trial + Commercial
 23 SmarteQM Free Trial + Commercial
 24 Test Run Free Trial + Commercial
 25 Test Wave Free Trial + Commercial
 26 Enterprise Tester Free Trial + Commercial
 27 TestLog Commercial
 28 QaTraq Open Source
 29 Testuff Free Trial + Commercial

32 Functional Test Automation tools

S.No Tool License Type Description
1 OFT – OATS Free Trial + Commercial  Oracle Functional Test
2 Selenium  Open Source
3 QTP / UFT Free Trial + Commercial
4 SOAPUI Free + Commercial
5 Sahi  Free Trial + Commercial
6 Watir Open Source
7 Winrunner Commercial  No More Supported
8 Silk Free Trial + Commercail
9 AutoIT Free
10 TestAnywhere Free + Commercial
11 iMacros Free Trial + Commercial
12 SOATest Commercial
13 Squish Free Trial + Commercial
14 TestComplete Free Trial + Commercial
15 TestPartner Acquired as Silk Test
16 Ascentialtest Commercial
17 eggPlant Functional Free Trial + Commercial
18 Ranorex Free Trial + Commercial
19 Watin Open Source
20 CasperJS Open Source Especially for PhantomJS and SlimerJS
21 TestCafe Free Trial + Commercial
22 Screenster  Commercial
23 HttpMaster Free + Free Trial + Commercial
24 ghostinpsector Free + Commercial
25 QA Wizard Pro Free Trial + Commercial
26 Sikuli Open Source
27 Teststack-White Open Source
28 PyWinauto Open Source
29 AutoHotkey Open Source
30 LDTP – cobra Open Source
31 WinAppDriver Open Source
32 Web Test Commercial

13 Load Testing tools

S.No Tool License Type Description
 1 OLT – OATS Free Trial + Commercial  Oracle Load Testing
 2 Jmeter Open Source
 3 LoadRunner Free Trial + Commercial
 4 NeoLoad Free + Commercial Free with 50 Virtual Users
 5 LoadUI Free + Commercial
 6 Loadster Free + Commercial Free with 25 Concurrent Users
 7 Load impact Free + Commercial Free with 25 Concurrent Users
 8 Wapt Free Trial + Commercial
 9 Telerik Test Studio Free Trial + Commercial
 10 Grinder Open Source
 11 Gatling Open Source open-source load testing framework based on Scala, Akka and Netty
 12 Tsung Open Source
 13 QA Wizard Pro Free Trial + Commercial

3 Security Testing tools

S.No Tool License Type Description
1 OWASP Open Source
2 HP WebInspect Commercial
3 Kali Linux Open Source

30 Testing Platforms for productivity improvement and other intelligence

S.No Tool License Type Description
1 CloudTestr  As a Service
2 ASKIDA Free Trial + Commercial
3 OrigSoft Commercial
4 OFB – OATS  Free Trial + Commercial  Oracle Flow Builder
5 Tricentis Free Trial + Commercial
6 APPVANCE Commercial
7 TurnKey Commercial
8 assureclick
9 UseMango Free Trial + Commercial
10 Smart Commercial
11 test.io
12 rainforestqa Commercial
13 orasi As a Service
14 jamosolutions Commercial
15 TESTDRIVE Commercial
16 OSI Testing center Commercial
17 Seapine Commercial
18 MySys Commercial
19 Quinnox As a Service
20 Qualitia Commercial
21 clictest As a Service
22 TestComplete Free Trial + Commercial
23 twister Open Source
24 Verifaya As a Service
25 Rapise  Free Trial + Commercial
26 Provar Commercial
27 Sprinter Commercial
28 Cucumber Open Source
29 TestingBot Free Trial + Commercial
30 AXE Platform Commercial

We have tried our best to list out different testing tools available in the market, in case you feel there are other tool which can be added please do let us know in the comments, we shall try to add them

Comments (10)

  • Every tool has its own capabilities and in capabilities. The first step for choosing the right tool is to know what tools are currently available, followed by feasibility check, followed by analyzing and understanding the pricing and the list goes on…of choosing the right tool is made easy with article. Thanks for the informative article. I would also be helpful if you can add what application each of these tools support in any of your future posts.

    • Author

      HI Ram,

      Sure I would like to add more to the list of testing tools, even comparison between different tools and what the various applications they can automate etc, thank you so much for the input, keep watching the space, we would be adding more details

  • Hi Srinivas,

    I would like to know what would be the best tool to automate Oracle HCM application.


    • Author

      Hi Raja,

      Thank you so much for reaching out to us.

      1. In case you want to automate Oracle HCM Cloud applications, you can use OATS / Selenium / UFT / any test automation tool which supports automation of web applications.
      2. In case you are referring to Oracle EBS HCM Applications, then you can use either OATS or UFT to automate both web and Oracle EBS Form applications.
  • Hi Srinivas,

    You have written great/helpful articles. thanks for that.

    I have a list of EBS/Form open scripts functional tests that i want to run in CI. We use teamcity (hosted in windows server) for continous intergration. Can i get these openscripts tests to run in teamcity?
    basically, we want a bunch of test to run every midnight in CI.
    Would appreciate your thoughts and suggestion.

  • Hi Srinivas,

    I need a small Info which testing tools supports to automate JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications. Can you please send me top 5 best tools list except Selenium and OATS.

    • Author

      Apart from Selenium and OATS, i think even UFT can be used and other open source tools which supports web automation.
      Well I would like to know this info? is it that you are preparing some comparison analysis for you to present to your management?


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