In this article you will learn how to verify TestNG is installed successfully or not, there are multiple ways to do so, we have produced couple of most popular and easy ways of verification In case you have not yet installed TestNG plugin, we recommend you to follow “How to install TestNG plugin in eclipse…
In this article you will learn how to solve an issue because of which we are unable record and playback scripts in a firefox browser with OATS / Openscript. Most of the times the issue is because we are unable to enable “OATS browser addon for firefox”. I recommend you to refer the article and…
It is strange some times, that Oracle Application Testing Suite identifies Oracle EBS Forms objects with VTextField instead of the actual name attributes, people get crazy when this happens and they wouldn’t be able to fix it, unless they know that they need to set a value for a profile “ICX: Forms Launcher”. Remember that,…
If you are at this page, it means that you have are working on creating project in android studio to automate mobile app testing, and when android studio tries to build the project by pulling dependencies through gradle, it says BUIL FAILED with errors and you might end up in some error details like below…
Especially when working with Appium (1.4.16), Android Studio (2.2.3 and above) and with Android N (7.0) version, execution of test automation script encounters the below error: Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c “C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell “ps ‘uiautomator'”” Error you see in Appium server: info: [debug] Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "C:\Users\132266\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 shell…
When you are at final step to execute test automation script for mobile app testing on a mobile emulator or a virtual device or a real device, you might observe that script execution fails with different kinds of errors, In context to current article you will look at the error and solutions for: INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS: Attempt…
Especially when you are working with web applications supported by JRE, they will always refer to cached (i.e. in java deployment folder ) JRE dependencies @ your machine / laptop, but in case nothing is cached, all the dependencies will be loaded in to cache and then referred for usage. In case there is no…
OATS – Oracle Application testing suite had evolved and improved its stability, performance and features with every release that Oracle had pushed in to market. One of the important aspect which might hurt is that OATS / Openscript might slow down during executions. I would like to introduce to you 2 ways which can help you…
This is one of the error that we encountered during the installation process of Oracle Application Testing Suite, below is the error message that we got: “OUI-10133:Invalid staging area. There are no top level components for Windows NT, Windows 2000 available for installation in this staging area.” The case is when we zipped an existing OATS…
It is observed quite frequently that OpenScript of Oracle Application Testing Suite would not capture the steps performed on a browser when you try to record the test scenario on an Internet Explorer browser. Some of the issues faced are: Openscript records only one statement which is closing of browser, irrespective of what ever operations you perform on…