
Java programming language

Java programming language
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Java is the most popular programming language, which has been in existence since decades ( first appeared @ May 23rd 1995 , source: Wikipedia )

Java is an object oriented programming language and specifically designed to be written once and then can be run anywhere, to be more precise it is platform independent. In other words code written and compiled in one platform, can be run on any other platforms

Most of the popular Test Automation tools like Oracle Application Testing Suite ( a.k.a OATS ), Selenium uses Java programming language to develop test automation scripts. Though selenium can work with other programming languages, it is widely used in conjunction with Java.

So being a test automation engineer, it is very much important to have good amount of knowledge on Java. To cope with the challenges and to write business logic when situation demands.

At testingtools.co, you will learn Java programming language sufficient enough to be able to work with test automation.

Learn java for automation testing – tutorial plan

Java Basics
Java for Test Automation
  • String Manipulations
  • Exception handling with Try & Catch structures
  • Collections
  • Working with Properties File
  • File I/O
  • Working with Excel
Practice code snippets
  • Write a class to print Hello World!
  • Write a class to print first n numbers.
  • Write a class to print first n even numbers.
  • Write a class to print first n prime numbers.
  • Write a class to print first n Fibonacci numbers.
  • Write a class to swap two numbers.
  • Write a class with name “Generic” and write methods for the following:
    1. getRandomNumber:a method to return a random number
    2. getCurrentDate:a method to return the current date in form of a string
  • Create a class with name “FileLib” and write methods for the following:
    1. getFileExtension:a method to return file extension  for a given full file path as input
    2. getFileName:a method to return file name for a given full file path as input
  • Create a class with name “StringLib” and write methods for the following:
    1. getWordCount: a method to return the number of words present in a givens string
    2. getReverse: a method to return the reverse of a givens string

You can even refer to our list of programs to practice. It has beginner, Intermediate and Expert level practice programs. In order to work on test automation, if you are able to practice for beginner and intermediate level it should be more than enough.

In case you need any specific topics to be included, please do let us know your interest in the comments section, we would be more than happy to add up some topics.


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