Oracle Application Testing Suite (a.k.a OATS), is a package of three components each of which provides support for different needs.
OFT – Oracle Functional Testing
Provides support for functional automated testing for web based applications, Oracle EBS Forms, JD Edwards, Siebel, PeopleSoft, SalesForce, Cloud Applications. In addition provides support for automation of APIs, WebServices etc..
Oracle Load Testing
Provides support for load or stress testing on Oracle Tecnology based applications.
Oracle Test Manager
Provides support for conducting all test process related activities like test requirements management, manual and automation test execution along with scheduling the executions, bug or defect tracking. It also has a good way of adding custom fields to be able to track details based on project or customer needs.
Openscript is the common IDE used for creating either functional automation or load testing scripts, by default openscript supports Java programming language as the mode of creating test automation assets.
I am trying to run Openscript using OTM but foe that I am running Oracle ATS Agnet service manually using below command.
C:\OracleATS\agentmanager\bin\AgentManagerService.exe -c C:\OracleATS\agentmanager\bin\AgentManagerService.conf
I am running it but service not start and no response on command run.
Please help to solve this issue
I am able to run openscript test script with Oracle form and web page but this command is working to run script using OTM.
Thanks in advance!!
did you try by opening the command prompt with “Run As Administrator” option?
Hi Srini,
Issue solved as I have installed the Openscript 12.5 version so command line setting is different to start the service while using OTM.
Great! to know.. Glad that you could proceed…
how to start the service on openscript 12.5 version i am facing the same issue
What is the issue you are facing, could you please provide more details? In case this issue is still open
Is OATS an open source tool as the selenium tool?
Hi Nikhil, OATS is not an open source tool like selenium. Its proprietary tool of ORACLE and we can purchase the license and use for production work
Hello sir ,
While am installing 13.x version with 12c database details.
But am getting Oracle error table or view doesn’t exits at file ..
Could you please help me on this
Thanks in advance
Madan R
Can some please reply to my question
Hi Madan,
Sorry for the delay in response.
Before we can give any suggestion, could you please let us know if you had done the following things to install.
1. Installed supported version of Oracle Database ?
2. Started the OATS setup with option as “Run As Administrator”
if these steps are not followed, I would suggest you to uninstall both of them, which ever is applicable, and then perform above two steps in the same order.
Also, if it is possible for a screen share, kindly let us know, we can sit together virtually and try to resolve the same.
Please do revert to us in case of any queries.
Thank You,
Srinivas P.
Hi Srinivas,
We need to test windows based Oracle form not web based. Is it possible using oats?
Please advise.
Hi Raj, it is possible to automate Oracle Forms based applications using OATS
Hello Srini
Please contact me on my personal email id
Sure Abhijeet, or you can drop an email to me at as an alternative.
Hi Srinivas,
Can OATS be used for automated testing of APEX applications?
Hi Shruti,
I think it should be possible. Ideally most of the web applications can be automated using OATS.
Thank You,
Srinivas P.
Hi Srinivas,
When I was trying to execute the ‘MASTERDRIVER’ script for any of the Oracle module say Inv or AR(Oracle standard test scripts),though it launches the browser and application and select the responsibility,but it fails in going to the respective menu with the error message as ”Failed Initial Condition for tree view framework ”
Due to this error,I could not execute the script at all and could not find any hits in metalink.
If I understand,its not going to the below function
eBSFunction.oracle_navigation_menu(“Items”, “Master Items”);
Can you please advise and as always appreciate your help for all the inputs you provided so far.You are of great help.
Thank you for reaching out to us the eBSFunction library you mentioned basically checks for tree view of the list of responsibilities in Oracle EBS application, in case that does not work you have to debug the code. or you can opt for professional services from us to fix the issue for you. for more details please do reach out to my whatsapp number which you already have
Unable to record oracle EBS forms in windows 10 :
I have installed Oats with version in windows 10 system.
Java 1.6 update 27 got installed automatically when trying to launch Oracle EBS Forms manually.
I am able to open forms in EBS but unable to record them in OATS.
I am ready to share screen. Pls email me the time.
Nagarjun Reddy K
Sure please write to testingtools [dot] co [@] gmail [dot] com
Hi Nagarjuna,
Did you able to solve the issue. Right now am also facing exact same issue. Bit frustrated with issue.
If you solved the issue, can you give few details here.
Note: Please share download if you have OATS version for less than 12.3.0.x
HI Nagandla Lakshmi,
As we discussed earlier we need OATS 12.3.0x if the Oracle EBS form require JInititator. Also, i tried to check for the links for previous downloads and could not get the same.
the best option would be to raise an Oracle SR for the same or if you have any connects in Oracle’s OATS team, please do write to them. They should be able to resolve your issue
Hi Srinivas,
can you please tell me which tools we can use for Oracle application framework testing and Application object library testing
You can use OATS to test the OAF pages or if there is no forms part entering at any point of your test automation, you could choose selenium as well.
Hi Srinivas,
I am working on OATS from past 4years.Can you please recommend any certification on OATS.
I don’t think certification adds any value with knowledge wise, but for some companies they need people who are OATS certified so for those cases you need to get certified. I myself am not certified, I have been using OATS for more than 8 years now
Hi Srinivas,
Any opensource performance tool is there for oracle form using applet.Could you please suggest me.
Hi upendra,
I am not pretty sure if there is any open source performance tool for Oracle Forms using applet. In case you find any info, please feel free to share in form of comments
thanks in advance
Hi Srinivas,
In general OATS script or in function library, is it possible to create New class in test folder and make use of it.
Ex: when we in test/function library folder. So in the same folder can we create a Class “CommonFunctions.Java”. and i would like to call method in “” from “”
Thanks in advance
Of course it is quite possible, only thing is you need to switch to Developer View and then create a java file, which can later be used in your script.
Oracle ATS is free ? or Shareware ?
It is not a free / shareware its a licensed tool. But for learning purpose you can download install and use without any fee.
Hi Srini,
We are using Openscript module only for developing the Oracle EBS test scripts. We are trying to setup the continuous integration using Jenkins.. Is it possible to put the openscript tests on SVN or any git repository? Thanks , Sharad
I think the code of your scripts can be saved in any code versioning tool to my knowledge. Only thing they dont have direct plugins to do it.
We have an issue with OATS in recogonizing the Salesforce application objects. The website says, it will support SalesForce but even after raising a SR with Oracle, there is no solution yet.
Ideally you dont need any SR for this, you just need to create an OATS script with web module and then use the web module to automate the Salesforce scripts. It should not be causing any issue as such.
Hi Srini
Please let me know the following things :
1. What prior knowledge is required to learn OATS?
2. How to install OATS or if any tutorial videos please let me know ( Because we have an oracle apex licence but I don’t know how to use OATS)
3. What kind of automation testing we can do with the help of OATS?
4.I am manual test engg. so can it easy to learn for me ?
Sorry for the delayed response.. I hope you had learnt something about OATS, do let me know if you are still looking.