Oracle Flow Builder tutorial

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We assume that you have learned about the insights of Oracle Flow Builder automation framework already and in case you have not, we recommend you give a thorough read and can post your queries or suggestions if any in form of comments, we will give you the responses at earliest possible time.

In Oracle Flow Builder tutorial we shall cover you through the following topics in a very detailed way.

  • Oracle Flow Builder UI
    • Home screen
    • Components screen
    • Component Sets screen
    • Flows screen
    • Reports screen
    • History screen
    • Notifications screen
    • Administration screen

  • Component creation
    • How to define a component?
    • Keywords and Objects.
    • Steps to create a basic component.
    • How to use function libraries to create a component?
    • How to create variables in a component?
    • Different ways to create components.
    • Component life cycle.
    • How to copy a component?
  • Component Set creation
  • Flow Creation
    • Creation of a basic flow.
    • Understanding the connectivity between components, component sets and flows.
    • Ways to give test data to a flow with variables.
    • Test plan generation.
    • Flow life cycle.
    • How to copy a flow?
  • Reports and usage.
  • History and usage.
  • Administration
    • Meta data setup like releases, product families, products and features.
    • User setup.
    • Function library import.
  • Advanced concepts
    • Customization of components
    • Understanding various component codes constructs to build a component.
    • How to setup execution environment to execute automation scripts?
  • Appendix
    • Keyword and object combinations
    • Function libraries

If you have any queries or clarifications about anything we recommend you to provide your opinions in the form of comments of this article, we would be more than happy to respond you at the earliest time possible.

Comments (4)

  • Hi Srinivas,

    I would like to know more about Function library import under Admin section . Please point me to relevant source on.

    1. how to import the library file
    2. what should be the value in repository
    3. Can we undo the import if we did a mistake?
    4. Once the file is imported will all the functions be added to Functions table in OFB Database
    5. Can I start using the my imported functions while building components?

  • Hi Srinivas,

    I recently installed Flow builder 13.3 on my linux server. When I try to login, i get this error : “.( While trying to lookup ‘jdbc.KwdtDS’ didn’t find subcontext ‘jdbc’. Resolved ”) “.

    Any pointers appreciated.

    • Author

      Thank you for reaching out to us, this looks to be some database issue, please make sure that database is up and running. If not you may have to connect with some DBA and get the database up.

      So were you able to access or login in Oracle Flow Builder at least once? or is this your first time?


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