OATS New Features and Announcements
Oracle released its new version of OATS i.e Here you can learn about OATS new features and announcements, i.e. the changes which got introduced in to the 3 tools that form the OATS Enterprise Suite, i.e. Oracle Functional Testing ( OFT ) , Oracle Test Manager ( OTM ) and Oracle Load Testing (… (21 comments)

5 Cautions you should be aware of when working with OATS
There are many environmental changes when working on Test automation related projects, years pass on things might change with Automation tools or the even with the applications under test or JRE Versions or Browser Versions or Operating Systems etc… We keep tampering the environment by making some changes in settings, preferences, privileges or configuration s,… (0 comment)

21 Points to remember when using OATS – Oracle Application Testing Suite
Oracle Application testing suite has become quite popular these days and number of searches are increasing to learn about Oracle Application Testing suite, in this article we attempted to bring all important points to remember when working with OATS – Oracle Application Testing suite. 21 Notes to work with Oracle Application Testing Suite ( a.k.a… (10 comments)

Assuming that you are aware of triggering OATS test automation script execution in Oracle Test Manager, in a specific associated system. The system which you might have added @  Oracle Test Manager’s Tools>Systems menu => Add option. In the initial stages of building the scripts and want to make sure that everything is working fine,… (14 comments)

Traditional and time consuming approaches of automation script development are snubbed, new generation techniques are being looked up for multiple reasons and benefits. Automation teams and organisations want to improve the productivity of their test automation engineers there by result in early completion of test automation script development phase with minimal efforts. They have embarked in to code… (7 comments)

OATS Installation Error – OUI-10133:Invalid staging area, there are no top level components
This is one of the error that we encountered during the installation process of Oracle Application Testing Suite, below is the error message that we got: “OUI-10133:Invalid staging area. There are no top level components for Windows NT, Windows 2000 available for installation in this staging area.” The case is when we zipped an existing OATS… (0 comment)